It’s amazing how much can change in 60 years, but Bob Dylan let us know in 1964 and sure enough, here we are. With communication becoming faster and easier every day, our businesses are all faced with the challenge of adaptation.

One of our favorite images of Parvin-Clauss Sign Company involves Bob Clauss, Sr. painting a sign on a brick wall. It’s a classic picture that we consider one of our business's defining images, but it also shows how much we have grown over time. Although our values of hard work and customer satisfaction have not changed, the sign industry certainly has. From energy efficiency to social networking and even something we consider as basic as the internet, Parvin-Clauss has had to make some substantial adjustments to keep up with the business world around us. Some might see this adjustment as a challenge, but we see it as an opportunity.

As a sign company, image means everything to us. We believe that through effective signage a positive first impression can be made about a business, which is why the phenomenon of social networking is vital to us. Through these networks we are able to expanding our ideas as well as gain new knowledge about what is important to our customers. While your sign is the key to conveying your image to your customers, social networking and your personalized web page are the places that those valued customers will look to find out what your business is all about.

This will not be the last challenge of adaptation that we face; at the pace technology is moving the next one may not be too far off at all. The nice thing, however, is that change not only leads to bigger and better opportunities, but it also keeps life interesting and new.

"So we better start swimming or we'll sink like a stone, cause the times they are a changin'." Thanks, Bob.