Tom Parvin and Bob Clauss painted signs for a living back in 1952 at 1200 S. 17th Avenue in Maywood, Illinois. Back then, artistic skill and attention to detail was a requirement for a successful sign company. Hand-lettered wall signs, gold-leaf window signs, and detailed truck lettering were all priorities for this sign shop.

Young Bobby Clauss has memories of the 17th Avenue shop, with its old wood floors with open knotholes. He and his younger brother used to drop paint sticks down through the knot holes to the dark basement beneath. When lettering a detailed logo or font the "wall dogs" as they were called would steady their painting arm by propping a paint stick underneath.
Tom and Bob were experts in the art of gold leaf lettering, and their handiwork adorned fire station vehicles and high-end restaurants. They were known in the Chicago area as the "sign painters' sign painters" as a result of their quality workmanship and focus on every last detail. The reputation for quality signs has stayed with Parvin-Clauss Sign Company in the 60 years its been in business.
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